It's Bad, man.
It gets a few little things right. But on the most fundamental levels it's a botch. Reader, I hated it.

In descending order of gravity, here are its crimes against the franchise:
1.) The logic is inconsistent. I'm fine with them going ultra-realistic. I was with them for the first hour. But the director needs to (a) set up a character's superpowers clearly, including their limits, and then (b) stick to them.
Batman's "super"-powers:
- Physical toughness and martial arts skills.
- Stealth
- Unlimited finances.
Fine. So how come he can suddenly fly? How does he survive his falls from towers? If the bat-suit is made of Kevlar, then how is he nearly defeated in a fist-fight? If he values human life to the extent he vows never to kill a villain, why is he happy to flip over 4 or 5 police cars in his dog-ugly new Batmobile?
2.) It has no original look. From iMDB Trivia: " Before the shooting began, Christopher Nolan invited the whole film crew to a private screening of Blade Runner (1982). After the film he said to the whole crew, 'This is how we're going to make Batman.'"
An original aesthetic a bit too much for you, Christophe? Even Joel Schumacher went one way with the whole 'neon' look (see below).

An established franchise demands a new director (or, fair enough, production designer) to reinvent the story's look, especially if they're gonna update the tone into something more realist. But they couldn't even be consistent with the new straight-winged bat-logo; the bat on Christian Bale's suit is curly and Schumacheresque.
3.) And then, (sigh), there's the script, which I won't dissect, but which gives talented character actors like G. Oldman, T. Wilkinson & "Scarecrow" Cillian Murphy (28 Days Later) nothing to play with.
I'm losing patience, so here's my final, vitriolic thought:
- How many villains in the one film?
He's scared of a bat, so he decides to become one. By that logic, I should become Arab-man.
Savs, at 12:05 PM
I'm intrigued as to what abilities Arab-man would possess; so far I've come up with
* The oil-spill (to trip up his enemies)
* The Koran flush (only works on other Arabs)
* The crack support team, consisting entirely of wives
Jake, at 5:10 PM
Hmm.. Kilroy winkie man... so are you are scared of Kilroy and the ideology he promote...fine... but scared of winkies too... it's nothing to be scared of it's a God given thing respect it, care for it, even love it (not to much you'll go blind), but do not fear the winkie.
Anonymous, at 4:11 PM
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